NYJL Members Learn How to Become Financially Fit

This February, the New York Junior League’s Affinity Activities committee was delighted to host a training event provided by Financial Gym, a financial wellness company. The session highlighted the importance of becoming financially fit and helped volunteers think about the data they need to measure their financial fitness.

From left to right: Anita Sonawane of Affinity Activities, Kim Spataro of Financial Gym and Natalie Telchi of Affinity Activities

Kimberly Spataro, Head of Business Development at Financial Gym, was our guest speaker. The attendees were excited to learn tips and tricks from the Financial Gym that they can quickly introduce into their financial routines. Kimberly, a fellow NYJL Volunteer, highlighted how the process of taking control of your finances is comparable to that of losing weight: the need to cut down on spending and to increase savings in order to achieve financial wellness.

“Becoming financially fit will afford you the ability to curate your career path based on your passions, values and interests. You will have the ability to financially support organizations and charities you care about, and live your boldest, wildest, never-in-a-million-years-thought-you’d-get-here kind of life.”

– Kimberly Spataro,  Head of Business Development at Financial Gym

With our mission as a training organization, New York Junior League is proud to host events like these for our volunteers to help expand both their volunteer skills as well as skills needed for our personal and professional lives. Interested in learning more? Be sure to sign up for one of our upcoming New Volunteer Orientations where you can learn more about the NYJL and how you can get involved.